Terms & Conditions
1. Any deviation to the route and times shown in the movement details will be subject to an excess charge.
2. Cancellation fee – 10% up to 7 days prior to booking, 25% less than 7 days, 50% less than 24 hours and 100% on day of hire.
3. All parking fees and road tolls are the responsibility of the hirer unless otherwise stated.
4. The Road Traffic Act 1960 and other statutory provisions relate to the hiring of the vehicle, it’s use and the conveyance and behaviour of the passengers. The Hirer undertakes to comply with all laws and regulations relating to contract operations. The Hirer also undertakes to comply with the provisions of the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981, SS24 and 25 and of the Public Service Vehicles (conduct of Drivers Inspectors Conductors and Passengers) Regs. 1990, SI 1990/1020, copies of which are held at the Company office.
5. All regulations relating to drivers’ hours and rest periods must be complied with.
6. Children are carried in accordance with the provisions of the relevant regulations.
7. The driver is responsible for the safety of his vehicle and passengers, and must be allowed to decide what conduct and behaviour is permissible. Standing on the seats is not permitted and the Hirer will defray the cost of making good any damage done to the vehicle by the passengers.
8. The vehicle must be used only by the Hirer and may not be sub-let without the Company’s prior written consent.
9. The Company accepts no responsibility for the non-observance of any alterations to the hiring arrangements unless agreed to and confirmed in writing by the Company beforehand.
10. The shortest and most direct route in both directions will be taken unless otherwise specified and the Hirer will be liable for any extra time or mileage covered to meet a party’s requirements in addition to those quoted for. Rates are applicable as per the company’s tariff.
11. The Company does not guarantee to complete any journey in any given time, and apart from cover conferred by the compulsory statutory insurance against third party risks as required by S.151 Road Traffic Act1960 and S.148 Road Traffic Act 1972 and other statutory provisions relating to compulsory statutory insurance, The Company does not accept responsibility for any loss, damage, inconvenience, injury or death arising from any accident, breakdown or delay attributable to reasons beyond the control of the Company.
12. There is room for reasonable amounts of baggage and equipment which will be carried at the discretion of the driver. All items are carried at owner’s risk and the Company will not normally be responsible for loss or damage.
13. All lost property items are deposited at the Company Office to which all enquiries should be addressed. A fee will be payable in accordance with regulations.
14. No vehicle may carry passengers in excess of the authorised seating capacity.
15. The Company reserves the right to substitute other operator’s vehicles for its own to carry out a journey if necessary.
16. No unauthorised bill, placard or poster may be displayed on any vehicle.
17. In the event of a National Emergency, strike, or for any reason beyond the control of the Company, the Company reserves the right to cancel any booking and refund any monies paid without further obligation.
18. Where the Company acts for the passengers as an agent i.e. in the purchase of tickets, meals, accommodation etc the organiser and/or passengers, shall be responsible for any loss sustained by the Company in the booking of these services and must observe any conditions imposed on the Company by the suppliers.
19. The Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol) Act 1985 S.1 makes it an offence to carry alcohol on a public service vehicle to or from a designated sporting event in England and Wales. Details of such events are held at the Company offices. Alcohol may be carried on other hires only with the prior permission of the Company and at the driver’s discretion.